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Now showing items 1-20 of 445
454 Pyrosequencing-based assessment of bacterial diversity and community structure in termite guts, mounds and surrounding soils
(SpringerOpen, 2015)Termites constitute part of diverse and economically important termite fauna in Africa, but information on gut microbiota and their associated soil microbiome is still inadequate. In this study, we assessed and compared ... -
Adapting methods of key population programmatic mapping and enumeration to inform HIV prevention programs for adolescent girls and young women
(JMIR Publications, 2018-05-31)Background: Standard programmatic mapping involves identifying locations where key populations meet, profiling of these locations (hotspots) and estimating the key population size. Information gained from this method has ... -
Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Circle Bin Packing Problem
(2020)We address a new variant of packing problem called the circle bin packing problem (CBPP), which is to find a dense packing of circle items to multiple square bins so as to minimize the number of used bins. To this end, ... -
Adaptive large neighborhood search for solving the circle bin packing problem
(Pergamon, 2021)We address a new variant of packing problem called the circle bin packing problem (CBPP), which is to find a dense packing of circle items to multiple square bins so as to minimize the number of used bins. To this end, ... -
Adaptive simulated annealing with greedy search for the circle bin packing problem
(Pergamon, 2022)We introduce a new bin packing problem, termed the circle bin packing problem with circular items (CBPP-CI). The problem involves packing all the circular items into multiple identical circle bins as compact as possible ... -
Adoption of accounting mobile apps in Kenya: The effect of user reviews and user ratings
(Scientific Publishing Institute, 2023)Modern industry improves anthropogenic activities and greatly simplifies human effort and the industrial world. Cloud computing and mobile applications are more than just buzzwords; they are crucial elements of how business ... -
Adoption Strategy for Cloud Computing in Research Institution
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2023)Currently, Kenyan research institutions Information Technology operations use external storage, within or without institutional network environments. This study presents a structured literature review of a cloud computing ... -
Adoption Strategy for Cloud Computing in Research Institutions
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2023)Currently, Kenyan research institutions Information Technology operations use external storage, within or without institutional network environments. This study presents a structured literature review of a cloud computing ... -
(International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 2021-01)Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) is argued to have high potential value across all sectors, both public and private; and at multiple levels, be it fighting poverty; improving healthcare; providing ... -
Age-Stratified Profiles of Serum IL-6, IL-10, and TNF- a Cytokines among Kenyan Children with Schistosoma haematobium , Plasmodium falciparum , and Other Chronic Parasitic Co-infections
(The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2015)In a study of children having polyparasitic infections in aSchistosoma haematobium– endemic area, we examined the hypothesis that S. haematobium–positive children, compared with S. haematobium–negative children (anti-soluble ... -
(Agris, 2008)Mombasa Marine Park and Reserve is one of the Marine Protected Areas in Kenya established more than ten years ago. The Park is a no-take-zone, while the Reserve is a zone where regulated extractive uses such as artisanal ... -
Alternative Multipole Expansion of the Electron Correlati on Term
(, 2017)An alternative multipole expansion of the correlation term is derived. Modified spherical Bessel type functions which simplify as a summation of multiple ord ers of basic trigonometric functions are generated from this ... -
Analysis of Factors Contributing to the Low Survival of Cervical Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy in Kenya
(Public Library of Science, 2023)Background: In contrast to the developed nations, invasive cervical cancer (ICC) is the most common womens malignancy in Kenya and many other locations in sub-Saharan Africa. However, studies on survival from this disease ... -
Analysis of genetic diversity in Eucalyptus grandis (Hill ex Maiden) seed sources using inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) molecular markers
(2008)Eucalyptus grandis is an economically important tree species that is native to the Australian continent and its northern neighbours, where it is grown primarily for its hard wood timber and pulp for paper industries. It ... -
Anemia among Children Exposed to Polyparasitism in Coastal Kenya
(The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2015)Anemia represents a substantial problem for children living in areas with limited resources and significant parasite burden. We performed a cross-sectional study of 254 Kenyan preschool- and early school-age children in a ... -
Anemia Burden, Types and Associated Risk Factors among Kenyan Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 and Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Co-infected Injection Substance UsersAnemia Burden, Types and Associated Risk Factors among Kenyan Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 a
(African Journal Online, 2020)BACKGROUND፡ Although injection substance users and individuals co-infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 and Mycobacterium tuberculosis suffer marked hematologic derangements, the rates, levels, morphologic types and ... -
Anopheles gambiae: historical population decline associated with regional distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets in western Nyanza Province, Kenya
(Malaria Journa, 2010-02-26)Background High coverage of insecticide-treated bed nets in Asembo and low coverage in Seme, two adjacent communities in western Nyanza Province, Kenya; followed by expanded coverage of bed nets in Seme, as the Kenya ... -
(TUM, 2023)Over the years, the potential of plants as a source of new antimicrobial substances has been determined but is still under-explored. In Africa and most developing countries, traditional medicine still forms the backbone ... -
Antifungal activity and brine shrimp toxicity assessment of Bulbine abyssinica used in the folk medicine in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
(Bangladesh Online Journal, 2016)Bulbine abyssinica is widely used in folk medicine in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antifungal and toxicity potentials of essential oil, acetone and aqueous extracts of ... -
Antimalarial Activity of Nigella sativa L. Seed Extracts and Selection of Resistance in Plasmodium berghei ANKA in a Mouse Model
(Hindawi Journal of Pathogens, 2021-02-03)Chemotherapy plays a crucial role in malaria control. However, the main obstacle to treatment has been the rise of parasite resistance to most antimalarial drugs. Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) remain the ...