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dc.contributor.authorMonari, Damaris
dc.identifier.citationMonari, D. The Moderating Effect of Organizational Climate on the Relationship Between Performance Management Initiatives and Service Delivery in State Corporations in Kenya.en_US
dc.descriptiondoi: 10.11648/j.ebm.20210702.12en_US
dc.description.abstractA positive organisational climate is a precursor for employee commitment and performance in organizations. Efficient service delivery necessitates that state corporations in Kenya establish performance management initiatives that can enhance performance levels. They should also manage the organisation climate in order to keep employee perceptions and attitudes positive. Critique of existing literature on the use of performance management initiatives reveals that gaps exist on the extent which the organisation climate moderates the relationship between performance management initiatives and service delivery. The study, therefore sought to establish the moderating effect of organisational climate on the relationship between performance management initiatives and service delivery in state corporations in Kenya. The study applied descriptive survey research design to gather data from the sampled respondents of the state corporations. Stratified random sampling was used to select respondents from State Corporations to participate in the study. Data analysis was done using both descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of an analysis tool; statistical package for social Sciences. The study established that performance management initiatives have a positive and significant influence on service delivery among state corporations in Kenya. The organisational climate was found to have no moderating effect on the relationship between performance management initiatives and service delivery. However, based on previous findings, the study recommends that state corporations in Kenya adopt a positive organisational climate that is supportive of performance management as it can improve service delivery.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MOMBASAen_US
dc.publisherscience Publishing Group.en_US
dc.subjectPerformance Management Initiativesen_US
dc.subjectOrganisational Climateen_US
dc.subjectService Deliveryen_US
dc.subjectState Corporationsen_US
dc.titleThe Moderating Effect of Organizational Climate on the Relationship Between Performance Management Initiatives and Service Delivery in State Corporations in Kenyaen_US

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