dc.description.abstract | The effect of digital financial services on financial performance includes the
introduction of new financial instruments and services as well as the introduction of
new sources of funding. The research objective was to determining the effect of digital
financial services on financial performance of RoSCAs in Mombasa County. The
specific objectives was to establish the effect of digital payment, digital savings, digital
remittance and digital credit on financial performance of RoSCAs. The study
discussed literature review with theories related to effect of digital financial services
on financial performance on ROSCAs. The theories included: Theory of Financial
Innovations, Technology Acceptance Model and Diffusion of Innovation Theory. A
descriptive survey technique was used to conduct out in-depth investigations by the
researchers in order to accomplish the study's goals. The study concentrated on
RoSCAs that are providing ROSCA digital financial services across various sectors
mainly commerce, trading and service among others as follows: Wholesaler Financial
Group, Local Farmer Financial Group, Mama Mboga Financial Group, Bodaboda
Financial Group and Jua Kali Financial Group. There were 880 groups of RoSCAs in
Mombasa County. The study sampled 275 groups of RoSCAS. The results showed that
the respondents strongly agreed with a mean of 4.52 and a standard deviation of 0.723
that digital payment has enabled effective and efficient running of the operations and
reduced fraud in the RoSCAs. Findings revealed that the coefficient of determination
(R-Square) was 0.715 i.e. 𝑅
2 = 0.511. The study concluded that digital payment has
enabled ROSCAs to be flexible and change with the dynamic environment for
convenient payment. The research study recommended that the financial firms should
implement the technological structures to improve digital finance service to enhance
digital payment which enabled the informal financial groups to be flexible, affordable
and secure per transition. It was recommended that the management of financial firms
should build up cloud-based processing equipment to help in digital savings on
financial performance of RoSCAs. In order to build on this research, it was
recommended that a related study be conducted over a longer time frame in order to
get further data about the impact of digital financial services on RoSCAs' financial
success. | en_US |