dc.description.abstract | This paper presents the effects of crude disposal of solid waste on the air-shed conditions of the Mwakirunge dump site. The dumpsite is located within the air route for aircrafts approaching the Moi International Airport. Crude solid waste disposal has resulted in interference of the air-shed conditions through trucking on gravel and dirt road, and from tipping of the waste, introducing dust particulates into the air; obnoxious odour from decomposing organic matter through emission of hydrogen sulphide and ammonia; emission of smoke and fly-ash, including sulphur dioxide, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons production from both self-starting fires and fires started by scavengers in search of valuables. Wind action has promoted not only the dispersion of toxic contaminants, but also liter –mostly plastics and paper into the neighbourhood. Important air pollutants of concern include suspended particulate matter and hydrogen sulphide. High concentrations of suspended particulate matter, especially if contaminated with toxic heavy metals and Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) can cause an increase in incidences of respiratory diseases in the population. PAHs such as Benzo [a] pyrene and their photochemical products are known carcinogens, whereas hydrogen sulphide is toxic to mammals. The conditions of solar radiation and wind speed indicate extremely unstable to slightly unstable atmospheric conditions, predominating during daytime. These conditions are significant because they encourage vertical transport and diffusion of airborne pollutants (Gupta
1992). Relatively calmer winds make night atmospheric conditions quite stable, resulting in delayed transport and dispersal of emissions, causing localized air pollution. The stable atmospheric conditions, high relative humidity and increased particulate matter could also result in smog formation, and lowering visibility; occurrences that could be potentially hazardous to public health, crops, farm animals and low flying aircraft. However, for proper assessment and evaluation of risk on human health and on the environment from the dumpsite activities, an inventory of the parameters of concern over a long period needs to be developed.
Key words: crude solid waste disposal, contaminant dispersal, air pollution, health hazards, danger to aircrafts | en_US |