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dc.contributor.authorMosiori, Cliff Orori
dc.contributor.authorNjoroge, Walter Kamande
dc.contributor.authorOkumu, John
dc.description.abstractIn this work, n-type CdxZn1-xS and p-type Pbs layers were optimized through chemical solution technique for solar cells. CdxZn1-xS was grown at 82°C while Pbs layers were grown at room temperature utilizing aqueous conditions. Optical constraints suitable for solar cells fabrication were investigated. CdxZn1-xS films had a band gap varying from 2.47eV (x=0.6) to 2.72eV (x=10), transmittance above 79% in VIS-NIR region with resistivity range of 9.5x10 to 1.22x10 squared Ω-cm. Pbs had a band gap of 0.89eV transmittance below 55% with a resistivity range of 6.7x10 to power three to 1.26 x 10 cubed Ω-cm appropriate for solar cell absorber layers. Their solar cell had a short circuit current 1sc=0.031A, open voltage Voc=0.37V, efficiency,n=0.9%, with a fill factor,ff=0.66en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY MOMBASAen_US
dc.publisherGlobal Advanced Research Journal of Engineering, Technology and Innovationen_US
dc.subjectFilm, Solar, Cellen_US
dc.titleCdxZn1-xS/Pbs Thin film solar cellen_US

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