This research aimed to explore the influence of supplier selection criteria on
procurement performance of parastatals in Mombasa County. The study was guided
by the following specific objectives; To determine the influence of Supplier
Responsiveness, Supplier Reliability, Supplier Quality and Supplier Cost on
procurement performance of parastatals in Mombasa County. The study draws from
several established theories in procurement, including Supplier Selection Decision
Theory, Resource Dependency Theory, Transaction Cost Theory, and Means-End
Theory. Targeting a group of 308 individuals employed in parastatals in Mombasa
County, 174 valid responses were collected, adhering to Yamane allocation sample
equations to determine the sample size. Data collection involved the distribution of
questionnaires, followed by rigorous editing to ensure accuracy and consistency.
Descriptive statistics were employed for analysis, supported by multiple regression
analysis to assess the influence of supplier selection criteria on procurement
performance. The diagnostic tests conducted in this study aimed to assess several key
assumptions underlying regression analysis. Autocorrelation was evaluated using the
Durbin-Watson test, which indicated presence of independence of errors.
Multicollinearity was examined using variance inflation factor and no
multicollinearity issues were present. Normality was assessed visually using P-P plots
confirming the normal distribution of residuals. Linearity was confirmed through
scatter plots and ANOVA analysis, demonstrating linear relationships between
independent and dependent variables. Homoscedasticity was verified by examining
the plot of studentized residuals against unstandardized predicted values, showing
no evidence of heteroscedasticity. These diagnostic tests validate the reliability of
regression analysis results and support the influence of supplier selection criteria on
procurement performance. The study achieved a response rate of 116 which is 66.7%
which is dimmed excellent. The study identified strong positive associations between
procurement performance and four key supplier-related variables: responsiveness,
reliability, quality, and cost. Supplier responsiveness and reliability were consistently
viewed as crucial, with minimal variance in respondent opinions, emphasizing their
role in ensuring efficient and effective procurement processes. Supplier quality also
positively influenced procurement performance. Supplier cost was similarly linked to
improved procurement outcomes, but with a broader range of opinions, suggesting
the need for a balanced approach that considers cost alongside other critical factors
like quality and reliability. Additionally, the research suggests potential future
investigations, including exploring alternative supplier selection criteria's influence
on organizational performance across different contexts