Recent Submissions

  • Irradiation reduces superficial scald by downregulating ethylene and α-farnesene biosynthetic enzymes in ‘Granny Smith’ apples 

    Melo, Anderson Adriano Martins; Olabode, Paul Nifemi; Atamian, Hagop S.; Nyakundi, Brian (Elsevier, 2021)
    Superficial scald is a postharvest disorder of apples related to increased ethylene production in stored fruit which leads to α-farnesene accumulation and oxidation. Ionizing irradiation inhibits ethylene production and ...
  • Audit Expectation Gap in Kenya 

    Kamau, Charles Guandaru; Kavure, Benjamin Muzungu; Lokuta, John Ewoi (EAST AFRICAN FINANCE JOURNAL (EAFJ), 2023-12-15)
    The audit expectation gap is a major concern in Kenya's accounting profession, where auditors are expected to identify and prevent financial fraud and misstatements. The disconnect between ...

    Mbothu, J.; Mutwiwa, U.; Eshton, B.; Abubakar, L. (African Journals online, 2019-07-22)
    Many countries have promoted biofuels to address energy security, environmental concerns as well as to improve the socio-economic well-being of rural people. This paper evaluates lifecycle net greenhouse gas (GHG) ...

    Mbothu, J.; Mutwiwa, U.; Eshton, B.; Abubakar, L. (African Journals online, 2021-07-06)
    Environmental concerns and the increasing demand for transportation energy have led to increased production and utilization of biofuels worldwide. Biofuels are perceived to provide clean and green energy. Globally, bioethanol ...
  • Potential of Bioethanol as a Household Fuel for Middle-Income Urban Kenya 

    Machandi, Joseph Mbothu; Gathitu, Benson Baari; Kihoro, John (The Journal Name of the Journal Name, 2013)
    Access to clean sources of energy constitutes a necessary condition for poverty alleviation. Provision of modern energy services is essential to improving the livelihood of households in the developing world. This study ...
  • Spatial variation in benthopelagic fish assemblage structure along coastal East Africa from recent bottom trawl surveys 

    Arara, Boaz Kaunda-; Munga, Cosmas; Manyala, Julius; Kuguru, Baraka; Igulu, Mathias; Chande, Muhaji; Kangwe, Simon; Mwakiti, Stephen; Thoya, Pascal; Mbaru, Emmanuel; Ruwa, Renison (Elsevier, 2016)
    The structure of benthopelagic fish assemblages of the continental shelves and upper slopes along coastal East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania) was studied based on data from bottom trawls during 2012. These surveys are the ...
  • The value of long-term, community-based monitoring of marine turtle nesting 

    Olendo, Mike I; Okemwa, Gladys M; Munga, COSMAS N; Mulupi, Lilian K; Mwasi, Lily D; Mohamed, Hassan B; Sibanda, Mxolisi; Ong'anda, Harrison O (Cambridge University Press, 2019)
    Monitoring of nesting beaches is often the only feasible and low-cost approach for assessing sea turtle populations. We investigated spatio-temporal patterns of sea turtle nesting activity monitored over  successive ...
  • Exploring coastal development scenarios for Zanzibar 

    Hugé, Jean; Puyvelde, Karolien Van; Munga, Cosmas; Guebas, Farid Dahdouh-; Koedam, Nico (Elsevier, 2018)
    Tropical coastal systems are undergoing rapid change, which impacts people and natural resources, and that requires innovative governance processes to be turned into an opportunity for sustainable management. Focusing ...
  • Climate Variability and Small-Scale Fisheries in Kenya 

    Dzoga, Mumini; Simatele, DM; Munga, Cosmas (Juniper Publishers Inc., 2019)
    Small-scale coastal fishing communities in the tropics have varied responses to climate variability constraints. These responses are often part of the different ways in which communities build adaptive capacity and ...
  • Managing coastal pelagic fisheries 

    Okemwa, Gladys M; Maina, George W; Munga, Cosmas N; Mueni, Elizabeth; Barabara, Mwaka S; Ndegwa, Stephen; Thoya, Pascal; Ntheketha, Nicholas (Elsevier, 2017)
    2 Balancing sustainability and conservation concerns with the socioeconomic needs of 3 small-scale fishers is a dilemma that is commonly faced by fisheries managers. In this paper, 4 we present a case study on managing ...
  • Status of Coral Reef Fish Communities within the Mombasa Marine Protected Area, Kenya, more than a Decade after Establishment 

    Munga, Cosmas N; Mohamed, Mohamed OS; Amiyo, Nassir; Guebas, Farid Dahdouh-; Obura, David O; Vanreusel, Ann (Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci., 2011)
    The abundance, trophic composition and diversity of fish were investigated in the Mombasa Marine Protected Area (MPA) on the Kenya coast over a period of four years (2004-2007) sixteen years after its establishment ...
  • Composition and abundance of deep-water crustaceans in the Southwest Indian Ocean 

    Everett, B.I.; Groeneveld, J.C.; Fennessy, S.T.; Dias, N.; Filipe, O.; Zacarias, L.; c, M. Igulu; Kuguru, B.; Kimani, E.; Munga, C.N.; Rabarison, G.A.; Razafindrakoto, H.; Yemane, D. (Elsevier, 2015)
    Expanding coastal fisheries into deeper waters is frequently tabled as an option to increase harvests from the sea in the Southwest Indian Ocean. In this region, only Mozambique and South Africa have established deep-water ...
  • Ecological and socio-economic assessment of Kenyan coastal fisheries 

    Munga, Cosmas Nzaka; Kimani, Edward; Vanreusel, Ann (Brill, 2013)
    This study explores and describes the status of the fisheries resources in the Malindi-Ungwana Bay, Kenya. In addition to shrimp bottom trawling, the bay also supports a variety of artisanal fishing techniques with ...
  • Scientific Note Length - Weight Relationships for Nine Deep Sea Fish Species off the Kenyan Coast 

    Length-weight relationships for nine species of deep sea fishes were analyzed, totalizing 1012 individuals. Most regression coefficients calculated were indicative of positive allometric growths. The condition factor ...
  • Fish Catch Composition of Artisanal and Bottom Trawl Fisheries in Malindi-Ungwana Bay, Kenya: A Cause for Conflict? 

    Munga, Cosmas N; Mwangi, Stephen; Ong’anda, Harrison; Ruwa, Renison; Manyala, Julius; Groeneveld, Johan C; Kimani, Edward; Vanreusel, Ann (Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci, 2014)
    Artisanal and shrimp bottom trawl fisheries in Ungwana Bay compete for fish resources and this has resulted in unresolved conflict over several decades. Landings of artisanal fishers (2009-2011) and bottom trawl catches ...
  • Application of the DPSIR Framework to Coastal and Marine Fisheries Management in Kenya 

    Dzoga, Mumini; Simatele, Danny Mulala; Munga, Cosmas; Yonge, Shadrack (Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology and The Korean Society of Oceanography, 2020)
    Natural resource management frameworks are important in generating information that promotes the development of appropriate policies and regulation for effective management and utilization of different aspects of ...
  • Propulsion-gear-based characterisation of artisanal fisheries in the Malindi-Ungwana Bay, Kenya and its use for fisheries management 

    Munga, Cosmas N; Omukoto, Johnstone O; Kimani, Edward N; Vanreusel, Ann (Elsevier, 2014)
    In Kenya, like o th e r tro p ic a l c o u n trie s, c o a sta l a rtis a n a l fish e ry is m u ltisp e cies, m u ltig e a r a n d m u ltifle e t in n a tu re w ith m a n y m a n a g e m e n t c h allen g e s. T he M a ...
  • Assessment of ecological vulnerability to climate variability on coastal fishing communities 

    Dzoga, Mumini; Simatele, Danny; Munga, Cosmas (Elsevier, 2018)
    Fisheries resources are important in supporting the livelihood of many coastal communities especially in the developing tropical countries. Fisheries resources however, continue to face unprecedented pressure from ...
  • Species composition, distribution patterns and population structure of penaeid shrimps in Malindi-Ungwana Bay, Kenya, based on experimental bottom trawl surveys 

    Munga, Cosmas N; Mwangi, Stephen; Ong’anda, Harrison; Ruwa, Renison; Manyala, Julius; Groeneveld, Johan C; Kimani, Edward; Vanreusel, Ann (Elsevier, 2013)
    The species composition, distribution patterns and abundance of penaeid shrimps in Malindi-Ungwana Bay, Kenya, were investigated after six years of no bottom trawling in the area. Two surveys undertaken during the dry ...
  • Reprint of : Fishers who rely on mangroves 

    Ermgassen, Philine SE Zu; Mukherjee, Nibedita; Worthington, Thomas A; Acosta, Alejandro; Araujo, Ana Rosa da Rocha; Beitl, Christine M; Galindo, Gustavo A Castellanos-; Lignon, Marília Cunha-; Guebas, Farid Dahdouh-; Diele, Karen; Parrett, Cara L; Dwyer, Patrick G; Gair, Jonathan R; Johnson, Andrew Frederick; Kuguru, Baraka; Lobo, Aaron Savio; Loneragan, Neil R; Wood, Kate Longley-; Mendonça, Jocemar Tomasino; Meynecke, Jan-Olaf; Mandal, Roland Nathan; Munga, Cosmas Nzaka; Reguero, Borja G; Rönnbäck, Patrik; Thorley, Julia; Wolff, Matthias; Spalding, Mark (Academic Press, 2020)
    Mangroves are critical nursery habitats for fish and invertebrates, providing livelihoods for many coastal communities. Despite their importance, there is currently no estimate of the number of fishers engaged in mangrove ...

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