Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Effect of a syphilis control programme on pregnancy outcome in Nairobi, Kenya 

      Temmerman, M; Gichangi, P; Fonck, K; Apers, L; Claeys, P; Renterghem, L Van; Kiragu, D; Karanja, G; Achola, J Ndinya; Bwayo, J (BMJ Publishing Group, 2000)
      Objectives: To assess the impact of a syphilis control programme of pregnant women on preg nancy outcome in Kenya. Method: Women who came to deliver to Pumwani Maternity Hospital (PMH) between April 1997 and March 1998 ...
    • The effects of HIV-1 Tat protein on cell cycle during cervical carcinogenesis 

      Nyagol, J; Leucci, Eleonora; Omnis, A; Falco, G De; Tigli, C; Sanseverino, Francesca; Torriccelli, M; Palummo, N; Pacenti, L; Santopietro, Rosa; Spina, D; Gichangi, P; Muchiri, L; Lazzi, S; Petraglia, Felice; Leoncini, Lorenzo; Giordano, Antonio (Taylor & Francis, 2006)
      The role of HPV in the carcinogenesis of intraepithelial and invasive anogenital lesions is currently well established. E6 and E7 oncoproteins of high-risk HPV genotypes are known to inactivate p53 and pRb pathways. ...
    • HIV and cervical cancer in Kenya 

      Gichangi, P; Vuyst, H. De; Estambale, B; Rogo, K; Bwayo, J; Temmerman, M (2001)
      Objecti es: To determine the effect of the HIV epidemic on invasive cervical cancer in Kenya. Methods: Of the 3902 women who were diagnosed with reproductive tract malignancies at Kenyatta National Hospital KNH from Ž ...
    • Trends in contraceptive prevalence rates in sub-Saharan Africa since the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning: results from repeated cross-sectional surveys 

      Ahmed, S; Choi, Y; Rimon, JG; Alzouma, S; Gichangi, P; Guiella, G; Kayembe, P; Kibira, SP; Makumbi, Fredrick; OlaOlorun, Funmilola; Omoluabi, Elizabeth; Otupiri, Easmon; DESS, Sani OumarouSani Oumarou; Seme, Assefa; Shiferaw, Solomon; Anglewicz, Philip; Radloff, Scott; Tsui, Amy (Elsevier, 2019-07-01)
      Background The Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) initiative, launched at the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning, aims to enable 120 million additional women to use modern contraceptive methods by 2020 in the world's 69 ...