Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Exploring coastal development scenarios for Zanzibar 

      Hugé, Jean; Puyvelde, Karolien Van; Munga, Cosmas; Guebas, Farid Dahdouh-; Koedam, Nico (Elsevier, 2018)
      Tropical coastal systems are undergoing rapid change, which impacts people and natural resources, and that requires innovative governance processes to be turned into an opportunity for sustainable management. Focusing ...
    • Reprint of : Fishers who rely on mangroves 

      Ermgassen, Philine SE Zu; Mukherjee, Nibedita; Worthington, Thomas A; Acosta, Alejandro; Araujo, Ana Rosa da Rocha; Beitl, Christine M; Galindo, Gustavo A Castellanos-; Lignon, Marília Cunha-; Guebas, Farid Dahdouh-; Diele, Karen; Parrett, Cara L; Dwyer, Patrick G; Gair, Jonathan R; Johnson, Andrew Frederick; Kuguru, Baraka; Lobo, Aaron Savio; Loneragan, Neil R; Wood, Kate Longley-; Mendonça, Jocemar Tomasino; Meynecke, Jan-Olaf; Mandal, Roland Nathan; Munga, Cosmas Nzaka; Reguero, Borja G; Rönnbäck, Patrik; Thorley, Julia; Wolff, Matthias; Spalding, Mark (Academic Press, 2020)
      Mangroves are critical nursery habitats for fish and invertebrates, providing livelihoods for many coastal communities. Despite their importance, there is currently no estimate of the number of fishers engaged in mangrove ...
    • Status of Coral Reef Fish Communities within the Mombasa Marine Protected Area, Kenya, more than a Decade after Establishment 

      Munga, Cosmas N; Mohamed, Mohamed OS; Amiyo, Nassir; Guebas, Farid Dahdouh-; Obura, David O; Vanreusel, Ann (Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci., 2011)
      The abundance, trophic composition and diversity of fish were investigated in the Mombasa Marine Protected Area (MPA) on the Kenya coast over a period of four years (2004-2007) sixteen years after its establishment ...